Friday, December 4, 2009

Stupid half an hour problem starting Griffon

When i was trying to launch any Griffon app I ever got a rare ClassNotFoundException with GriffonStarter class.

Half an hour later I realized that my griffon path was: /griffon-0.2. I changed it to /griffon and voilá: it works

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Problem with POI-Excel Fonts solved!

Today suddenly i get the following error opening a POI-generated file with Microsoft Excel:

"Excel cannot complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other applications."

More info in:

The solution was:

1.- Reuse evey Font object you can...
Someting like this:

for (row in rows) {
font = workbook.createFont()
//Do whatever with font

Have to be refactored to something like this:

font = workbook.createFont()
for (row in rows) {
//Do whatever with font

2.- Update to 3.5-FINAL version. 3.2-FINAL version is buggy and exhausts all Excel resources with anything you do.

NOTE: With OpenOffice everything worked ok.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Annotations and bean validation with Groovy

I was looking for something like annotations driven validation for Groovy. Something like JSR-175 but... without JSR-175. Maybe something like Spring Validator would be nice but... without Spring.
Something like this:

class FooBeanWithValidations {

String id


I have reviewed some options, but i was looking for somthing very simple and, finally, i have to write it by myself...
First I defined the annotation class:

public @interface NotEmpty {


And then i writed a Validation class which handles the annotations and performs validation logic:

class Validator {

* Helper method for apply a closure over all annotated bean properties
protected static def forEachAnnotatedField(def clazz, def annotationClass, def closure) {

if (clazz in [Object, GroovyObject]) {

def properties = clazz.declaredFields
def annotated = []
annotated.addAll(properties.findAll {field ->
def annot = field.annotations.find {annotation->
return (annotationClass.isAssignableFrom(annotation.class))

if (annot){
closure(field, annot, clazz)

forEachAnnotatedField(clazz.superclass, annotationClass, closure)

* Perform NonEmpty validations
static def validateNotEmpty(def bean) {

forEachAnnotatedField (bean.class, NotEmpty.class) {field, annotation, clazz ->
def value = bean."${}"

//Be aware with boolean values. False value are not empties!!
if (value instanceof Boolean) {

if (!value){
throw new ValidationException(bean,, null)

static def validate(def bean) {

//Call other validation methods


And voila... you can call validate method over any bean using Groovy Categories:

def bean = new FooBeanWithValidations()
use(Validator) {

Or you can inject a validation method int bean's MetaClass

FooBeanWithValidations.metaClass.validate = {Validator.validate(this)}